JavaScript for Bioinformatics

How JavaScript is changing the face of Biology and Information

JavaScript has played a major role in web development in recent 5-10 years or so. We have seen too much development in Browser technologies including HTML5 and CSS3. But that’s not just about it, JavaScript has played a major role in server side development too. With the emergence of node.js and its advantages it has taking good chunck of web developers stack.

Writing JavaScript has many advantages, first it also runs the same on client as well as server side and second its an evenet based programming so you can take great advantage of it’s event based nature.

I strive daily to work towards better life on earth and space. For the part of earth I am working in the field of BioSciences, specifically Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is the science of managing information realated to biology so that biologist can make better descision related to their work in molecular biology or biochemisty. Bioinformatics is a very intersting feild for me because it bring great computational challanges to solve in the domain of complexity and optimization.

I am currently working on a tool which helps search genes data and its position on a paticular gene. I am currently working with !BioJs a JavaScript based library which you can use both at the client side and server side. It has complete set of functions for the development of Biologist Information System which can be DNA allignment, trees or chromosome diagrams. The developer community is great and if you hang out on IRC at #bioinformatics they are really helpful and friendly.

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