I attended JSConf EU 2014

When year 2014 started I put a point in my 101 checklist that I will be attending JSConf EU 2014. I have been working with JavaScript since 2011 and I am impressed by the community. The people I have been closely looking were Maciej Małecki and Marak and many others.

I was quite moved when I saw this 2013 JSConfEU video. That looked awesome right? :) So I did purchase my JSConf EU 2014 ticket in June and started working on my visa processing.

Happily I got my visa at the end of August and I was ready to go for Berlin. This was my first trip to Europe so I was super excited to meet new places and people. I am art fan as well, so Belin had too much to surprise me.

A lone range :) lol

Look up!

I landed Berlin on 10th September 2014 and this was the day one CSS Conf EU was closing and they had invited all the JSConf EU attendees to the closing dinner and late night party. I checked into the hotel and set my self for CSSConf EU closing. It was held near RadialSystem V where JSConf EU 2014 had to be held and it was also near my hotel so it took some foot power.

When I entered the venue, I looked straigt at Paul Campbell who I recognize from the JSConf 2013 video. I rushed straight to him and introduced my self. Paul was very nice and he acted as a host and we went for dinner together. He introduced me to his friends and that was all fun. I meet someone from sweden and some from korea.

After dinner Paul excused and I went back near the Berlin river where every one was hanging together and having a bit of chat. There I met people from Norway, English (talked about football :) ), France, Belgium, and Scotland. The chitchat went till midnight until my nerves refused to sit more. I excused the participants and left the venue.

I woke up early on Saturday morning for the JSConf EU 2014, It was 5 minutes of walk from my Hotel so I did reach quite in time. At the entrance we were given JSConf mugs and T-Shirts. The start of the conference was quite unique as they did a musical intro which was completely written in JavaScript.

The ambiance of the whole room was amazing, I felt really good sitting beside the best developers in the Javascript community. The talk by carter was also great as he shared his experince about how to oorganize events and listen to the community.

Out the halls all the event sponsors had their stalls. Facebook, Google, Badoo and Linino showing there newest hardware. Goodies were being distributed there.

Here is the list of my favourite talks during the event:

The party after the conference was held on a boat, We went together straight to the boat after the conference ended and had fun talking with wide range of developers and non-developers.

This was the most amazing experince of a conference I had in my life.


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